The Future of In-Home Advertising: How Smart TVs are Changing the Game

| Updated on June 28, 2024
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Advertising industry is on a boom nowadays. Wherever your eyes go, you can see advertisements in any way possible. Following the trend, there is a new practice being followed by advertisers called In-Home advertising.

As the name suggests, the whole motive of this campaign is to reach out to the audience in their homes through smart TVs. Why so? Well, smart TVs are paving the way for a more personalized, interactive, and data-driven approach to advertising.

As a result, smart TV penetration in the United States reached 74% in 2024 compared to 64% in 2023 and just 50% in 2020.

So, let us dive deeper into its details and find out what potential it holds. Also, learn about the Best TV Services for Gamers in this guide.

Why Smart TVs are Targeted for In-Home Advertisements?

With deeper digital penetration and modern lifestyle, having a smart TV is more of a need than a privilege. Boxy and dumb TVs are now a piece of history, where modern systems give access to a better and interactive entertainment option.

A smart TV is equipped with all features as a computer or a mobile phone. From having an operating system, it can be connected wirelessly with your mobile phone, and have an active internet connection.

Thus, it is emerging as an ideal option to be used as an advertising tool.

Personalization and Targeting

Earlier in traditional TV advertisements, advertising had almost no personalization. Unlike traditional advertising, smart TVs rely on broad demographics, that enable highly targeted ads based on user behavior, preferences, and viewing history.

With such high precision targeting method, there will be tailored ads for everyone. Viewers like you can now see ads that are relevant to their interests, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

According to eMarketer, over 91% of users complete connected TV video ads lasting up to 90 seconds.

Interactive Advertising

A smart TV lets you interact with advertisements in ways that were previously impractical by opening the door to interactive advertising. Interactive advertisements can be made interactive by adding mini-games, surveys, and clickable components to make passive viewing more engaging.

For instance, an advertisement for a newly released car can inform viewers of similar interests to experiment with numerous features, colors, and financing options right there on the screen. 

Interestingly, you can transform your Smart TV into digital signage. To do so, you can try Luna Screens.

Data-Driven Insights

Data-driven insights are the new normal in advertising. Advertisers may obtain detailed insights into customer behavior by using the vast quantities of data that smart TVs gather on viewing patterns, app usage, and ad interactions. With previously unheard-of accuracy, this data may be utilized to improve ad placements, targeting tactics, and assess campaign efficacy.

Also, the capacity to monitor data in real-time enables quick modifications to advertising campaigns. Advertising funds can be spent effectively by swiftly changing or replacing any ads that aren’t performing properly.

Cross-Platform Integration

Smart TVs are more than any ordinary entertainment device. They can be used as a tablet, smartphones, and smart home automation systems. Cross-platform advertising campaigns that follow users across several devices and circumstances are made possible by this interconnection.

For example, if you see a trailer of a new film on the tablet, you will frequently get updates about that and encounter with advertisements on their smart TVs. This seamless experience keeps the brand at the forefront of consumers’ minds across several touchpoints, reinforcing the advertising message and increasing the chance of conversion.

The Future of In-Home Advertisements

With advanced technology, there are many developments that are still going to take place in the future:

Enhanced AI and Machine Learning

Any tech piece in the future is not going to survive without AI or machine learning. And the same goes for in-home advertisements. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning will only exceed in order to tailor the advertising experience of viewers. The ads will be more personalized, integrated, and will match directly with your interests.

Voice-Activated Ads

Voice assistants are everywhere. In your phones, in smart home devices, in cars, and anywhere else. Similarly, the smart TV’s voice assistants also seems to take part in in-home advertisements.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

As you might be knowing, AR is reputed for bringing virtual things into life so that you can test them in real life. Supposedly, with better AR integration, the ads that you see in your smart TVs will also have AR feature to let you experience the product in real.

Final Words

In-home advertisements have been on a rise, thanks to better smart TV technologies. Many professionals involve offers entertaining programming centered on leveraging, or more deeply exploring, a product or brand.
Speaking of its future, there is nothing to be seen to hinder its growth. Finally, visit Luna Screens today to learn more about their service.

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