Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance in the Social Media Age

|Updated at April 01, 2024

Do you ever feel like your life has become a constant struggle and it’s becoming harder and harder to keep your work from mixing in with your personal life?

Well, you’re not alone.

The struggle is real, and many people find it hard to stop their work from invading their personal lives, especially in this digital age we’re living in.

We are pretty much glued to our smartphones looking at stock photos all day, and this makes it that much harder to just sit back, relax, and chill.

This is why we need ways to separate our work from our personal lives. 

Finding a balance is key, and it’s also important if you want to keep your minds about it.

Healthy Work-Life Balance in the Social Media Age

So, What’s a Work-Life Balance Anyway?

It’s more than just a catchphrase; work-life balance embodies the ability of a person to not allow their work to take over every waking moment of their lives.

By separating the two, one can afford to take some time to relax, chill, and focus on their hobbies, friends, family, and more.

In this chaotic digital age, you must understand the importance of work-life balance.

You need to set boundaries, focus more on self-care, and create a healthy separation between your work and personal life.

By doing so, you can maintain your mental health, improve your productivity, and create a pretty fulfilling and satisfying life for yourself both inside and outside of work.

Just keep in mind that your health and well-being should always be at the top of your list.

39% of workers say work-life balance is an important aspect of their jobs. Employees with a healthy balance are more motivated and productive at work.

How Do You Know If Your Work-Life Balance is Bad?

With everything getting blurred these days, it becomes pretty hard to tell when your work ends and your personal life begins. In these situations, it is just as hard to tell if your work-life balance is unhealthy. 

Here are the 10 key indicators that could tell you that your work-life balance is not on the right track:

1. You’re Feeling Spent: It’s the feeling you get when you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally tired from all that prolonged stress and overwork.

2. Health Issues: Are you suffering from health issues that were the direct result of work-related stress, like fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc.?

3. Losing Your Sense of Self: When work takes more than just your time, you even forget what you used to enjoy anymore. 

4. You Don’t Have Any Time for Yourself Anymore: It’s when you’re constantly thinking about work or just plain working without having any time for yourself.

5. Having Strained Relationships: This is when you’re always working and spending less time with your loved ones. This also means that you’re constantly canceling plans with your friends, family, and relationships because you are too busy.

6. Constantly Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed: If you feel like you’re stuck and all the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

7. Everything Irritates You: You’re feeling constantly moody and irritable, and every small thing makes you snap at your loved ones and friends.

8. Cynicism: This is the feeling where everything just seems worthless and you feel like you just don’t want to get out of bed anymore.

9. Loss of Interest in Things You Love: You lose all interest in things and hobbies you used to love to do.

10. Unfulfilled Long-Term Goals: You feel like you’re stuck, and everything you ever dreamed of doing with your life is not in your reach anymore.

Strategies For Getting Your Work-life Balance Back

With the rise of technology, it’s becoming harder and harder to create a separation between your work life and your personal life.

Here are some strategies that can help you with just that:

1. Set Clear Boundaries

This is one of the most important steps if you ever want to have a good work-life balance.

You need to decide what is non-negotiable for you and just stick with it. You need to decide when you’ll be working and when to rest.

Also, tell this to all your colleagues and clients too. After all, you don’t actually want to get a work call when you’re chilling with your loved ones.

2. Focus on Completing the Tasks That You Have First

When you’re working and there is work to be done, you need to focus first on the completion of the task you have on hand. 

Try not to get distracted by the little things and forget your main focus here.

By making sure that you complete your tasks on time, you can ensure that you’ll be making progress.

3. Learn When to Say No

With our daily lives filled with a huge number of things vying for our attention, you need to know when to say no to any new tasks when you’re already dealing with something else.

This allows you to maintain some sense of control over your time and commitments.

Besides, if you take on too much, you’ll just be repeating the cycle of an unhealthy work-life balance.

4. Separate Your Work From Your Personal Life

If you’re one of those who are also working from home these days, you need to separate your workspace from your living space.

This way, you’ll have a place to focus only on work without the distractions of daily life messing it up.

Besides, you can also set separate times for when you’ll be working and stick to them.

This will make time management more effective and prevent work from intruding on your personal time.

5. Create a Morning Routine

Starting the day with a positive feeling sets your tone for the day. 

Come up with a routine that will make you feel more energized and help you feel a sense of accomplishment.

One way is to wake up early and avoid hitting the snooze button.

This also allows you to have some extra time for doing things you would enjoy like reading, exercising, relaxing, etc.

6. Enjoy Your Weekends

Hey, weekends are for rest and relaxation. And after all that tiring work week, you deserve it.

So, make sure that you find the time to enjoy the things you love.

7. Make Some Time Just For Yourself

Self-care is a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety.

Take a break and enjoy the small things in life. 

Do something that makes you feel relaxed and refreshed.

Pamper yourself with a massage, go to the spa, or just spend the day shopping to your heart’s content.

Anything that can help you forget the stress of work will work.

8. Make Some Time for The People You Love

Well, while creating a work-life balance for yourself is good and all, you need to understand that you’re not on this journey alone.

Spending some time with your loved ones can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.

And it’s not all about how much time you spend with them, it’s about how you spend that time that actually matters.

So, no matter if it’s scheduling regular date nights with your partner, planning an outing with the family, or just simply having a heart-to-heart conversation, these moments are what makes for a healthy relationship.

More than 81% of millennial workers feel that work-life balance is more important than salary.

As the quest for a wholesome work-life equilibrium dominates the mindset of the millennial generation, a staggering 81% of them believe that maintaining this delicate balance trumps their paycheck.


Life is filled with many ups and downs, and you need to keep in mind that balance is different for everyone.

What works for you might not work for someone else.

So, try experiencing different things, and don’t be afraid to share your feelings with your friends, family, and loved ones.

At the end of the day, creating balance is all about having a life that feels meaningful and enjoyable.

You can take your time and sort out what your goals are and when your work will start or end.  

Making your personal time count is what matters most, not only for your mental and emotional health but for your physical health as well.

Also Read: 4 Tips to Build a Better Social Media Presence

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