Effective Communication Tactics for Remote Teams in Today’s Business Landscape

| Updated on February 7, 2024
communication tactics for remote teams

As you already know, a remarkable shift is awaiting and nearly half of the employees will no longer be plagued by rush hour traffic or crowded elevators because of the upcoming technologies. 

You are going to be able to attend the virtual meetings from the comfort of your cozy home nooks or the local cafés, as remote work is no longer just a vision of the future; it is our present reality.

Well, we can’t deny the truth that technology may have changed our business environment, but perfect teamwork needs clear communication, meaningful interactions, and a strong sense of spirit to make it work. 

Without high-quality communication, no type of business can reach the stairs to success. However, it can be improved, and this article will help you achieve this. So, stay with us!

Develop Standards

The first step is to clearly outline your work standards in workplaces to employees for an effective strategy. 

You need to make sure that staff understand what is expected of them, including which channels to use when communicating with managers and accessing key resources. Use your internal newsletter to explain how to deal with different topics and issues.

If you want to begin, then try distributing a “Remote Communication” manual through your bulletin. This manual should mention all resources and points of contact, such as who to reach out to for isolated equipment issues. 

Consider creating a knowledge base/FAQ section within the newsletter that guides the employees in setting up and using the communication tools.

Use a Collaboration Software

Apps are becoming a part of people’s daily lives, so, why don’t you also use them for your profit in the workplace? Many employees have admitted that the innovations promote collaboration and boost productivity. 

It wouldn’t be surprising to know that the market for team collaboration software is growing at a constant pace at a rate of 13.2% per year.

Team collaboration market stats image

The above graph shows the growth report of the team collaboration software market in the US in the future.

Your team can greatly benefit from the following digital tools:

  • Project management software: These tools help in planning, assignment, and tracking of tasks, as well as resource allocation and control.
  • Chats, video conferencing software: While emails serve a purpose, they may not be the best choice for seamless communication. 

    Thankfully, there are various affordable and convenient applications, like Zoom or Cisco Jabber, that you can use for real-time chatting and information sharing.

  • Cloud-based file-sharing services: Traditional storage on computer hard drives has its limitations when it comes to team collaboration.

That’s why using cloud storage is a better choice, as it allows employees to work with documents and easily get access from any device or location.

Recording Conversations

Are you tired of trying to figure out who said what to whom? It is very difficult to find the real culprit of the problem, and yet its essence often comes down to misunderstanding. 

The solution to the problem is the app that records phone calls. With call recording software, you can repeat everything that was said. 

The Call Recorder for iPhone application can be used not necessarily for proceedings because it also allows you to capture important details of a conversation or more accurately understand the interlocutor during repeated listening. It is very convenient when you always have record calls at hand.

Invest in Internal Messaging Tools

Now is an opportune moment for your company to implement an internal messaging system, if it currently lacks one. 

messaging applications stats image

The above graph shows the increasing worldwide use of mobile messaging applications in the past years.

You can introduce new digital mediums for short pleasant conversations with the employees. If you resort to using emails for small chats, it is unlikely that any team member would welcome more emails.

A new messaging system will allow the employees to communicate efficiently without burdening their inboxes with a pile of messages. Once they realize how easy it is to use, it may even encourage more positivity. 

Add your existing communication channels with group chats and instant messages to allow your team to stay in sync, no matter where they are working from.

Did You Know?
44% of employees want wider adoption of internal communication tools.

Avoid Unnecessary Calls

Try to avoid meetings if your team can do without them because the tale of King Arthur’s famous Round Table with the brave knights talking over has little to no importance in today’s business. 

Time is valuable, and wasting it on unproductive conversations is an unnecessary indulgence.

Meetings can be justified in the following circumstances:

  • Introducing new employees to the team.
  • Discussing opportunities or threats.
  • Resolving work stagnation caused by inconsistent approaches requires the team to reach a consensus.

Prepare for the Rally and Give All Necessary Information to Participants

If you can’t avoid the meetings, then try to make it easy-going and make the most of it so you don’t burden the employees.

  • Schedule the meeting in advance and inform the participants prior.
  • Clearly explain the duration and reason for the meeting arrangement.
  • Attach relevant documents, such as presentations or reports, so the participants can familiarize themselves and prepare questions.
  • Record the time that goes in a meeting.
  • Provide enough time for the participant’s questions.
  • Agree on the next steps with the team.


Team communication should offer you a piece of valuable information rather than wasting time so that your business can take big steps forward. 

The whole purpose of communication is to make sure that all participants in the project are aware of the rules and goals of the company. 

You must know that effective and high-quality communication is necessary, but it must be organized and supported with all the necessary technologies and innovations.

Also Read: How is AI Used in Business

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