Industry Insights: Trends in Android Development and How to Hire Accordingly

| Updated on July 1, 2024
trends in android development

Android development has been controlling the mobile operating system worldwide, with nearly 71.8% of the market share. 

This is due to its long-standing commitment to providing high-quality products and services to its customers. 

Nowadays, with AI-based models, it has become even more relevant to fulfil the customer requirements efficiently and at a faster pace. Also, learn about Android UI Performance in this guide.

As trends shift rapidly, businesses want to secure developers who are not only skilled in current technologies but also adapt to emerging innovations. 

In this article, we inform you of the latest trends in Android development, while also focusing on how to hire Android developers effectively for continuous success of your company.

Adapting Hiring Strategies to Meet Modern Android Development Demands 

Nowadays, hiring skilled app developers requires more than just a certification and experience. 

With the rapidly transforming technologies, the technician should have specific qualities to adapt according to the changing company infrastructure. 

This is pivotal to make informed decisions that could impact the future of the brand. Let’s dive into the major trends and corresponding hiring strategies. 

10 Checklist for Hiring An Android Developer

Increased Focus on App Security

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, security is a top priority in mobile development. 

Developers need to be proficient in the following safety skills:

  • They should know how to implement advanced security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with global privacy regulations.
  • Potential hires should be experienced in Android’s security features, such as secure coding practices, encryption, and familiarity with the latest privacy frameworks. 
  • Assess their understanding of security by discussing past projects where they successfully implemented security measures.

Apps with robust security protocols have been regarded to increase consumer trust and reduce the risk of data breaches. 

This saves millions of costs for the company that could have been lost in recovery and fines.

The Rise of Kotlin

How has the developer’s transition from Java to Kotlin improved the functionality and maintainability of their projects?

Kotlin has become the preferred language for Android development, praised for its safety, clarity, and interoperability with Java. 

Its adoption is encouraged by Google, making it a necessary skill for new developers. 

Look for developers who not only have Kotlin skills but are also enthusiastic about continuous learning. Their ability to adapt to Kotlin’s improving ecosystem will be invaluable.

Flutter for Cross-Platform Development

One relevant UI toolkit of Google is Flutter. It is gaining popularity because it can craft beautiful, natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

It has emerged as a strong rival among many app softwares because of its agility and high performance. 

When hiring Android developers, consider their experience with or willingness to learn cross-platform tools like Flutter. 

This not only broadens your app’s reach but also streamlines development processes.

Did You Know? 
Flutter apps can reduce development time by up to 50% while maintaining a native app’s feel and performance?

AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and ML are transforming Android apps, making them smarter and more adaptive. These technologies enhance user engagement, personalize experiences, and improve app functionalities.


Seek developers who have hands-on experience with AI and ML or who have shown a keen interest in integrating these technologies into mobile applications. 

See if the developer can provide examples of how integrating AI has solved complex problems or enhanced user interaction in their previous projects.

Focus on User Experience (UX) and Accessibility

Excellent UX and inclusive design are no longer optional. They are relevant for the success of Android apps in a competitive marketplace. 

When you hire web developers, they must be adept at creating intuitive interfaces and ensuring accessibility for all users.

Evaluate developers’ skills in UX design principles and their ability to implement accessible app features. 

Review their portfolios for evidence of user-centred design and accessibility testing. 

Apps designed with accessibility in mind can engage a wider audience, increasing potential market share and user base. 

32- 94% of a website’s first impressions are due to its UX design.

Adoption of Modern Android Development Tools

Staying updated with the latest Android development tools and practices is pivotal. 

Jetpack Compose, the modern toolkit for building native UI, is one example of new technology that developers need to master.

During interviews, discuss the candidate’s familiarity with Jetpack Compose and other modern tools. 

Understanding their proactive approach to learning can be a significant indicator of their ability to stay updated about technological advances. 

Understand how the candidate stays current with the continuously improving Android ecosystem.

Emphasis on Energy-Efficient Apps

With mobile devices varying in battery life, creating energy-efficient applications is becoming  significant. 

Developers need to optimize app performance to minimize battery drain, especially with the rising use of apps in everyday tasks.

Look for developers who have specific skills in optimizing Android applications to be more battery-efficient. 

During interviews, discuss how they have managed app performance and battery optimization in past projects. 

Optimizing applications for better battery efficiency can improve user retention rates, as apps that drain battery are often uninstalled first.

Development for Wearable Devices

As wearable technology becomes more mainstream, there’s a growing need to develop applications that operate seamlessly on these smaller devices. 

Android developers should be proficient in creating apps that provide meaningful interactions on wearables like Smartwatches.

Gauge experience with Android Wear APIs and their ability to design for small screens. 

Candidates who demonstrate innovative use of wearable technology in their portfolio can be highly valuable. 

Gain insights on what unique functionalities the candidate has developed for wearable devices, and how they ensure these applications deliver value to users. 

What Smartwatches Are Used For

The graph shows that smartwatches are used mostly for receiving notifications and activity tracking. 

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps offer a blend of web and mobile app experiences and are becoming a part of the Android ecosystem. 

They are known for enhancing the user experience with fast load times and reliable performance on unstable networks.

performance on unstable networks.

Seek developers who have experience or express a keen interest in building Progressive Web Apps. 

Knowledge of service workers, caching, and responsive design are necessary skills for creating effective PWAs.

PWAs can increase conversion by 52% on average due to their offline usability and fast loading times.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

The CI/CD pipeline is significant as it enables developers to automate testing and deployment. It also enhances overall productivity and code quality.

Ensure that candidates are familiar with CI/CD tools and practices. Understanding their approach to automation testing and deployment can provide valuable insights. 

It reflects directly on their efficiency and capability for maintaining high standards of code quality. 

Look at how the candidate’s experience with CI/CD pipelines improved the development process and product quality in their previous projects.

Ending Note

Integrating these considerations into your hiring strategy ensures you hire developers who are adept with the latest technologies. 

It also focuses on those who are committed to future-proofing your applications. 

As you aim to build a versatile and innovative development team, paying attention to these trends will position your company as a leader in the mobile technology space. 

Also, it will showcase your brand as capable of delivering superior Android applications that meet the progressive demands of users.

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