Elon Musk Confirms the Beta Version of X TV is Already Out: The App Will be Available Soon

|Updated at September 05, 2024

Elon Musk, owner of X (formerly known as Twitter), publicly announced the official launch of the X TV app’s beta.

In April, Forbes reported that Musk plans to create an app for streaming videos and watching TV. It will be compatible with most smart televisions and include a tailored algorithm to make X an “everything” app.

Musk posted on X

The beta version of the app has already been released for testing, and the X TV app is expected to be launched soon. The X TV app is a new novel platform for video streaming. The pre-release version is available for LG, Amazon Fire TV, and Google TV gadgets. Users will be able to access X on their TV, just like Netflix and other OTT apps. 

The X TV application signifies the entry of the platform into the television interface, offering more than mere social media interaction. It has been speculated that the application is intended to function as a novel OTT streaming service.

You must first log into or sign up for an X account to watch content on X TV. The latest app from Musk promises to offer exclusive content, updates, and live events.

The app’s description on Google Play reads, “The X app is the trusted global digital town square for everyone, on your TV! Discover a new way to experience the world of X, as we bring you unique and engaging content right to your living room.”

However, it is unclear when the full version will be available. It may arrive at different times for different devices, according to the inconsistent release across different platforms.

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