US Residents Using the Weak Passwords: Risk their Personal and Corporate Life

|Updated at November 18, 2024

Using a strong password is as essential as drinking water these days. However, the study revealed that people haven’t stopped using the worst passwords, which are easily cracked or guessed.

The NordPass released the sixth annual study on the top 200 most common passwords in all countries. “After analyzing 6 years’ worth of data, we can say there hasn’t been much improvement in people’s password habits,” wrote NordPass. The list analyzes passwords stolen by malware or exposed in data leaks. The website claimed that the latest list combines personal and corporate passwords to see what people mostly use.

NordPass 200 most commonly used passwords study

According to NordPass’s research in 2024, the following top 10 passwords are commonly used.

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. 12345678
  4. password
  5. qwerty123
  6. qwerty1
  7. 111111
  8. 12345
  9. secret
  10. 123123

However, the list highlights that people are constantly applying “123456” as a password most of the time and hackers would take less than a second to crack it. This password topped the list for the fifth time in the NordPass annual study.

NordPass also made a separate list of the most common corporate passwords, along with personal passwords. Surprisingly, when people are taught to be aware of cybersecurity, they still use bad and weak passwords.

Also Read:  Bloomberg Reports That iOS 18 Will Include a Passwords App Soon!

Top 10 Most Common Passwords Used in the Workplace

  1. 123456 
  2. 123456789
  3. 12345678
  4. secret
  5. password
  6. qwerty123
  7. qwerty1
  8. 111111
  9. 123123
  10. 1234567890

Additionally, it is the list of US resident’s most used corporate passwords.

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. qwerty123
  4. qwerty1
  5. aaron431
  6. password1
  7. welcome
  8. 12345678
  9. Password1
  10. abc123

The US citizens also use “aaron431,” and it ranked fifth as the most popular password. It is recognized that several widely used programs retain this password as the default and people are not putting forth to change it.  

Ultimately, people don’t understand the seriousness of strong passwords in their private lives and corporate work.   

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