Google’s AI-Powered Enhanced Security: A New Level of Online Protection

|Updated at November 14, 2024

A recent statement from Google confirms that its ‘Enhanced Protection’ security feature will be powered by AI in the next release. 

Although the changes made by Google are still unclear, however, as noticed by users, Google has made an update to the Enhanced Protection mode in the Safe Browsing Feature of Chrome. As per the new changes, it now integrates AI-powered protection. 

This feature now uses AI which will be used to offer real-time protection to the users against any harmful websites, extensions, and downloads. It is a step towards ensuring the safety of the users by Google to make their experience better on Chrome. 

Hitherto, the feature was referred to as proactive protection, however, after the update it has now been changed to AI-powered protection. Theoretically, it provides Google with the ability to use AI to detect and warn users about websites which can be potentially harmful, this includes the websites that Google earlier didn’t identify. 

Use of AI In Group Tabs As Well  

‘Enhanced Protection’ is not the only feature of Chrome which now uses AI, there are a few others as well. There have been changes made to the ‘Tab Search Bubble’ feature in the Chrome Canary as well. Earlier known as ‘Group Tabs’, this option is now upgraded, and it has been reformed to ‘Group tabs with AI’, which can assist the users in organising their tabs automatically using AI to keep them sorted and organized. 

Likewise, there has been an update in the name of the ‘Close Unused Tabs’ option which now is known as ‘Review Inactive Tabs’. The users now have the option to take a look and review the tabs which have been not active for 7 days or more instead of just closing tabs because of the new feature. Google is still in the testing phase of these AI branding changes in Chrome Canary, and it is not known when the feature will be out for everybody to use.

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