Why is it Important to Carry Out an SEO Audit in Your E-Commerce?

|Updated at April 01, 2024

An SEO audit in your e-commerce is of great importance in improving your positioning strategy.

With the constant changes in Google systems, it is undeniable that the presence of SEO in a business is necessary to achieve a good online position. Its value is directly related to offline marketing strategies since through its implementation you can position your website using a keyword or a specific approach.

Do You Know?
There are 2 main elements of SEO, 75% of SEO is off-page and 25% is on-page.

It has become the best ally for brands around the world to attract customers in an easier and more effective way. And there is no need to spend high amounts on poorly targeted advertising when with the right SEO you can achieve a high level of visibility and sales.

People will always look for a product or service they need on the internet and if your business is on the web, and you know how to position yourself, hundreds of potential clients could come to you. All this as long as you use the keywords that users search for.

How Does Positioning Affect My Business?

Positioning Affect My Business

We have already mentioned that with the right keywords, you can attract many people. But there is another detail that you should take into account: what position are you in on the results pages?

This is something that you should analyze in detail since the highest percentage of users only choose those results that appear on the first page. Only a small percentage of users continue to the second page of results, and the people who go further are even fewer.

If you have a site or have decided that it is the perfect time to start your business website, you must always keep in mind the importance of positioning, and how movie script writers can help you generate profits.

Why Do I Need an Seo Audit?

An SEO audit is a resource that will allow you to know the general state of your site. If you have a site that you have abandoned for some time or that you do not update constantly, this tool will tell you how your positioning is in search engines. And if you are just starting a page, thanks to it, you will know which are the best options to get your internet site off to a good start.

statistics on SEO reveal

2023 statistics on SEO reveal that 93% of web experiences begin on a search engine (mainly Google searches, images, and maps).

The advantage of this type of inspection is that it offers a complete analysis of each of the weak points and failures of your website. It also shows you where you should prioritize and gives you immediate action suggestions.

What Elements Make Up An Seo Audit?

Seo Audit

An SEO inspection is made up of several factors associated with Google’s overall assessment of your site. Among the main elements that this resource analyzes in depth are:


What is the structure of your website? Do the pages and options offer fluid navigation?

The structure of an internet site has a score value related to the place you will occupy in the list of search results. Therefore, the analysis shows you if your site has a general structure that is friendly to users and search engines alike.

Index Ability

Your page should be read without problems by crawlers. If not, your site is facing an error that will deduct points from its positioning.

However, if you have a problem with index ability, it is not a reason to believe that all is lost because by doing the audit you will get the exact answer to what you need to do to remedy these screenwriters for hire.


What feeds search engines is content. Each of the words on your site can be considered the main food that tells search engines “who you are.”

Only through an adequate volume of content that tells everyone what your website is about will searches be able to take you into account and redirect users looking for content like yours to your page.

Interesting Fact
The percentage of Google search engine users who click on something from the second page is 0.78%.

When you create content for your site, an extra detail that you should pay attention to is that it has to be 100% original and of quality. If you copy content from other sites and upload something that does not interest users in any way, then Google will devalue you, and you will end up in the lowest positions. Not to mention that along with this you could be penalized which will give you negative points.

External and Internal Linking

Effective backlink building strategy must be carefully planned and analyzed.

Do you have links that point to your website? And if so, what is the quality of the links you have obtained?

A page that has quality internal and external links achieves higher authority and becomes more popular. So it is advisable that you check if you have links and what type they are.

What to Do After the Seo Review?


After having carried out the audit and carefully studied the status of your page, follow the steps that will lead you to improve your website.

Each of the results you obtained requires an evaluation and in this way, you will find out what really affects your page. And by knowing your failures you can begin to develop strategies to solve them and implement them immediately.

Divide your future actions into two points:

  • Make a checklist of the actions you must take to improve the position of your internet site.
  • Make a detailed plan with the steps you will follow to achieve that goal.

Are you ready to carry out the inspection of your website? Make the most of these tips and make your business page a profit-generating site.

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