How to Educate Employees on the Consequences of Workers Comp Fraud

|Updated at April 01, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Employees trained in the worker’s compensation policy and program are less likely to commit fraud. 
  • The objective of Workers’ comps is to guarantee workers the necessary medical care for any job-related injuries they sustain.
  • Types of fraud range from exaggeration of an injury, false documents, stealing money from a company, and many more. 
  • Necessary precautions such as installing cameras and background checks can be carried out to safeguard the business from potential risks.

Workers’ compensation fraud is a severe issue. It can occur at any level. An employee reports an injury that is not work-related and exaggerates the details. An employer misclassified a staff member to reduce insurance premiums. A healthcare provider overbills patients.

Studies show that employees educated on workers’ comp’s purpose and program benefits are less likely to commit scams. However, it is still prevalent.

Educate Employees on the Purpose of Workers’ Comp

Its fundamental goal is to guarantee that workers get the necessary medical care and financial support for any job-related injuries or illnesses they may sustain. Besides, it can assist with legal expenses if the worker is faced with a lawsuit due to injury or illness. 

However, some employers, employees, and even healthcare providers commit scams to exploit the system. These false claims not only impact the injured laborer, but they can also raise insurance premiums for all companies.

While its risks vary by industry, most businesses are susceptible to fraud. They may report false injuries or illnesses to receive more benefits, and some healthcare providers will even kick back fees to employers or claimants in exchange for treatment referrals. 

Moreover, some employers will try to reduce their premiums by misclassifying workers or by understating payroll.

As a risk manager, you can implement various preventive measures to combat workers’ comp fraud in your organization. You can train your staff on the state’s requirements regarding filing workers’ compensation claims and provide them with resources to identify and report suspected ruses. 

You can also conduct thorough background checks and implement a zero-tolerance policy for it. You can also rely on risk management software solutions to help you detect suspicious activity and mitigate risk.

Workers comp fraud Statistics

Educate Employees on the Consequences of Fraud

When employees commit workers’ comp fraud, the consequences are far-reaching. They can include fines and jail time, loss of a job, a tarnished reputation, and the inability to get a job elsewhere. It can also cause businesses to lose significant business opportunities, increasing insurance premiums.

It costs companies billions of dollars each year. Many types of scams are committed by employees, including fabricating or exaggerating an injury or illness, falsifying documents, and even stealing money from the company. 

There are also ways that employers can commit to it, such as avoiding payroll taxes or misclassifying staff members as independent contractors.

A common type of fraud is when a worker files a false claim for an injury or illness that supposedly happened at work. It can be done by fabricating or exaggerating the details of a workplace accident, making up an injury or illness, or using medical equipment that has not been authorized.

The best way to combat it is to educate them on the intended purpose of workers’ reimbursement and your zero-tolerance policy towards fraudulent claims. 

You can also prevent treachery by following strict hiring practices, conducting thorough background checks, and implementing vital workplace safety programs emphasizing Corporate training, frequent workplace inspections, and hazard identification protocols.

Do You Know?
Every year, approximately $9 billion of fraud is claimed by workers misjudging injuries.

Educate Employees on How to Report Suspected Fraud

Fraud impacts everyone, employees, employers, and insurance companies. You must teach your staff members the warning signs, so they can report suspicious activity quickly. The more information available, the easier it is to catch and prosecute those committing the scam.

They may commit a ruse by falsifying their claims, making up an injury or illness, submitting false documents, and more. They can also carry it out by avoiding work or refusing to return to their typical job, even if they are medically cleared. Malingering is one of its most common forms.

Another type of workers’ compensation fraud is when an employer falsifies records. It can happen when an employer needs to keep accurate payroll information or intentionally misclassifies a staff member to avoid paying workers’ comp premiums. 

Business owners can be fined for this scam, so ensuring your employees understand the importance of keeping accurate business records is pivotal.

Teaching them the warning signs of providers’ workers’ compensation fraud is also pertinent. It can include overcharging, billing for unneeded services, and ordering excessive tests for financial gain rather than legitimate medical reasons. 

Providing them with multiple ways to report suspected ruses is vital, so they do not fear retaliation.

Educate Employees on Zero-Tolerance Policy

In addition to training employees on its policies and procedures, you should also create a zero-tolerance policy that clearly defines what type of misconduct will not be tolerated. The policy should include specific repercussions and the method for reporting violations. It should also require a company-wide commitment to enforcing the policy.

Some employees commit a scam by lying about their injury or illness. It could involve claiming that they are permanently disabled when they actually can work, or fabricating a fake injury to receive benefits. 

Sometimes, they will even post pictures of themselves on social media to prove they can still enjoy sports or travel despite their fake claim.

To help prevent them from committing workers’ comp treachery, you should conduct thorough background checks on all new hires. Taking necessary precautions is necessary to prevent substantial financial damage to your business. 

Although it may be inconvenient initially, it is significant to prioritize the safety and security of your finances. Take the necessary precautions to safeguard your business against potential risks and threats. A background check can reveal red flags such as job hopping, previous fraudulent activity, credit history, and educational records.

Lastly, it would be best to consider installing video equipment to deter them from engaging in workers’ comp fraud. Disgruntled employees are often more likely to file false claims, and video surveillance can help you prove that an injury is not work-related if necessary. 

Besides, you should have a drug testing policy that requires employees to undergo testing after workplace accidents.

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